Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday

Today is Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday over at Reivented and Ask Kari & Kijsa and a million other blogs :) Well I just have to participate... looking around my hosue... what trash do I have that I could do something with... hmm... into laundry room to grab new roll of paper towels... and I see this:

GROSS!!! When I found it it was filled with bars of gifted soap too... seriously when I got to cleaning out my laudry room I probably would have thrown this to goodwill...that is if it weren't for trash to treasure tuesdays! I knew just what to do with it when I saw it... a little spray paint I had, a look through the box of drawer pulls and a glue dot and this is what I have:

Doesn't even look like the same thing huh? Look how nice it looks in my kitchen holding popcorn kernals!

Now time for a snack... I'm thinking ...popcorn!!!