I haven’t told you all the news yet… but my mom is moving in with us. Yes that’s right… My 900 sq. Ft. will be shared with an additional 2 dogs and one adult. That puts the total in our 900 sq. ft. at 3 adults, 4 dogs and 2 cats!
That means for some creative storage ideas. I needed a place to store my craft supplies now that my craft room has been taken over. So here is what I found:
ok that is not the EXACT before because I forgot to take it. But it was similar…mine had a chicken wire type metal in the two side panels…I saw it’s potential for great storage! I purchased it off craigslist for $100.
You have probably heard around blog land that Home Depot is clearancing out the Ralph Lauren Paint. So I got myself some “Roadster White” paint.
Then got Clearanced Hardware from Target
Then Fabric from Joann’s
The Details
I think I am still going to sand some edges but that’s it. Now I have all this space in the dining room to store my craft supplies and I can use the dining room table to do them on!
Stay Tuned for more projects as I work on combining households!!!
I am linking to:

Nice job...gorgeous new craft storage!
That looks great! I'm keeping an eye out for something similar to redo,too.
Oh my gosh...you took a beast and made it into a beauty!!!
Cindy at Lakewood
What an amazing transformation. Great job!
Incredible job! It's gorgeous.
Looking good! Thanks for the update about Home Depot and Target...I will check it out!
LOVE IT--it looks amazing. you did a great job.
Thanks for following me. I came by to do the same.
Fun visiting! I love your ideas!
Jennifer aka Gigi
This is on my favs list
Your hutch looks great! I have that SAME EXACT hutch that my Aunt gave me. I painted mine white too (well, heirloom white). I LOVE the way you put fabric to hide all your craft stuff. Here's mine if you want to check it out http://thecraftmonkey.blogspot.com/2009/10/hutch-that-almost-never-was.html
When I saw your hutch on Cottage Instincts I was like "hey, I recognize that hutch!" haha
(hope you don't mind that I left that link)
Wow! It is lovely and a fabulous makeover! The cream is a beautiful shade and the fabric is perfect. I adore the fullness of the fabric in the doors and they make such a HUGE difference in polish over the glass. Great job!
Beautiful! I did something similar with mine years ago, and it also holds craft supplies! Mine isn't nearly as beautiful as yours, though.
I just found your blog through Shanty2Chic.
I love it! Great work! = ) Keep it up!!
Very pretty!
lovely makeover! just wondering what the name of the fabric is-- it looks perfect for a project i have in mind. :)
Oh this is brilliant! I am redoing a similar piece. How did you attach your fabric pretty please?
Wow, that is now one stunning piece of furniture. You did such a good job. Do you use a paint sprayer? It looks so smooth.
Would love to know how you attached the fabric? Did you sew it first? I have a hutch very similar in my garage waiting for something just like this. Please let me know. Thanks, Mari
That's so crazy I have a china cabinet that I have been saying I was going to make a craft storage and my friends looked at me cross eyed. I love it.
Fantastic!! This cabinet is beautiful. We live in Auburn, WA...always fun to see other bloggers from our area :-)
So cute! I am trying to redo a cabinet right now. Did you sand or strip the wood? I HATE sanding and am trying to figure out a way to get around it!
Servingware should be grouped together, as well as any special occasion dishes you may have. The special occasion dishes are good candidates for those hard to reach cabinetsFood Display Cabinets
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